Keyword Magic: Why Targeting the Right Words is SEO Gold for Your Small Business

Here's how we use location & industry niche keywords to rank in local SEO or target niche industries & get more B2B, construction or service customers with SEO

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A Keyword is Like a Particular Fishing Lure out in the Water.

Each person searching is like a particular fish out in the sea.

You'll need to actually "fish" for that particular type of fish if you want to get them in.

Similar to fishing for deep sea marlin, vs. shark, vs. walleye in the lakes vs. sturgeon in the river.

Each prospective customer will search for their core commercial, take action keyword differently.

If you want to catch them, you'll need to have a page dialed in to rank for that keyword or query, and also then sell to them.

Think of the different types of fish & lures....

You want to catch customers as a bookkeeping company?

You should have a page, ads & content focused on "Bookkeepers Near Me", or "bookkeeping services".

If you wan to catch customers looking to buildout a restaurant, you might do something like what Probuild in Washington has done, and create content about restaurant remodeling near Tacoma.

You must build content if you want to actually hook these people searching.

More high quality hooks, with supporting content and promotion, will help you catch more types of customers.

What types of content should you build for SEO in 2024 and Later?

We need to remember two things.

First, is that websites, youtube videos and google business profiles are still the ingredients to the Google Search Engines.

We will want to focus on web pages, youtube videos & google business profiles first.

Second, we need to acknowledge that Tik Tok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter X, and other social media websites are where people spend lots of time.

Content We Should Build for SEO in 2024:

  1. SEO Optimized Service / Landing Pages
  2. Inbound Based Youtube Content
  3. Google Business Reviews
  4. Remarketing Content
  5. Engagement Content

Let me break down what each of these are...

1: SEO Optimized Landing Page

This is a fishing lure that's a version of a brandscripted selling home page, but for a specific service in a location or niche.

Optimized Landing Page for - Service + Location or Industry Niche.

You'll create a complete, robust and compelling page that targets a specific service, with a keyword modifier of location or niche.

Think of how competitive each of these particular keywords are:

Remodeler & Contractor Example
Accountant and Bookkeeper Example:

or how about

If you build landing pages that are robust and compelling, optimized for the modified keyword, it's more likely you'll get more of these customers.

How to Optimize These SEO Landing Pages:

  1. Target a Niche, location + service keyword.
  2. Place the keyword in front of meta title & meta description
  3. Use the keywords early on in the page, in the first words as H1 if possible.
  4. Sprinkle the exact keywords throughout the page & repeat it tactfully
  5. Inside your own pages, link to that page using the perfect keyword as the anchor text
  6. Build out lots of supporting content about that niche/location + service and internally link to the core page
  7. Create a video selling to that specific group and place on the page
  8. Create a retargeting advertising campaign & remarketing audience for that specific group and intent
  9. Collaborate and build up backlinks, which are votes of confidence from other sites for this page
  10. Create lots of FAQ based content on the page, as blogs in categories, and then add them to the page or point to the page

2: Inbound Based Youtube Video

Imagine your prospective customer jumps on google, searches, and get's overwhelmed from all the NOISE that the SERP provides now.

They open up youtube, and make the same search: Best Remodelers Near Edina Minnesota

They end up finding the youtube videos and youtube channel of New Spaces - all because they have videos and a youtoube description optmized for the core commercial keywords, with the location modifier.

Youtube is becoming as important than your website

You see - Youtoube search results require people to actually create videos in order to rank, where as Google automatically pulls in ALL the noise from every web asset possible.

You can rank easier in Youtube than you can in Google for most searches.

Google will also serve up youtube videos as answers in the search result pages.

You'll want to create video sales letters, or videos emulating your website content, so that you can get in front of people when they're searching youtoube.

Oh yeah, and Youtube can create a relationship much better than any other platform.

3: Google Business and Reviews

The next thing you need to do is optimize your google business profile and get lots of reviews.

You should ask every person that's ever trusted you to leave a google review.

Ask customers to leave a review and ask trusted colleagues to leave "character reference reviews" to capture the trustworthy life you've been living.

If you can get more Google reviews than anyone else in your 10 - 50 mile region, you will end up dominating.

Google reviews can be shown on your website too, helping show your credibility.

Google business is really Google's walled garden at the moment, nobody has a better local business marketing position.

Invest in Google reviews!

4: Remarketing Content

We can target ads to people who've visited a specific web page.

We can make remarketing audiences of people who've been to the niche location or industry page.

Then, we can create advertising to show to that specific audience.

Most people don't take action right away, so retargeting ads to them is a really good idea.

You can make an audience of people on Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube, Instagram & Other social media platforms.

So imagine I search "remodelers near Edina", and I hit the Edina landing page for New Spaces.

Then, I see messaging, videos, content & ads on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn, talking specifically to me, as an Edina homeowner looking for remodeling!

This is a powerful marketing strategy.

5: Engagement content

Now, these landing pages are supposed to be the core, bottom of funnel solutions.

We should also create content that teaches, engages and helps the customer understand the problems and solutions better.

You can create sections on that page with FAQ's, with videos, with content and more helpful tips or tricks, so people engage with your page.

You can make that landing page, and the surrounding content, so helpful that they keep coming back to the content.

In the vast digital jungle, your small business website needs a compass to navigate the ever-changing SEO landscape (Search Engine Optimization). That compass? Targeting the right keywords. If you've heard this advice from your marketing team or your marketing agency (or even from us!), there's a reason it keeps coming up - it's vital to attracting new leads.

Think of keywords as the phrases people type into search engines to find what they need. By strategically incorporating these keywords into your website content, you increase your chances of appearing at the top of search results – the holy grail of online visibility.

But here's the catch: not all keywords are created equal. Targeting the wrong ones can leave you buried in the search engine wilderness (aka, off of the first page of results), unseen and unheard. So, how do you find the SEO gold mine and attract the right customers?

Use these tips from our team to help propel your small business website, and check out some examples from our clients who are crushing it with keywords!

The Power of Relevant Keywords

  • Attract Qualified Leads:  Imagine customers searching for "best accountant near me," your accounting website pops up because you targeted that keyword (and built a local SEO strategy). These are qualified leads who are actively looking for what you offer. Sound impossible? It's working for our accounting clients, including Performance FinancialPassageway FinancialAsnani CPAPulver CPA, and Whyte CPA.
  • Boost Organic Traffic:  The more relevant your keywords are, the more likely your website will rank higher in search results. Higher ranking translates to organic traffic – free website visits from potential customers.
  • Stay Ahead of the Competition:  Small businesses often compete with industry giants. Targeting specific, long-tail keywords (more specific phrases) can help you outrank larger competitors who focus on broad, generic terms.

Finding Your Keyword Oasis

  • Know Your Audience:  Who are you trying to reach? Understanding your ideal customer's needs and search habits is crucial. What keywords would they use to find your business?
  • Research, Research, Research:  Free and paid keyword research tools can help you identify relevant keywords with high search volume (how often people search for them) and low competition.
  • Think Like Your Customers:  Put yourself in your ideal customer's shoes. What questions would they type into a search engine to find your product or service?

Sprinkling the Keyword Magic

Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. Targeting the right keywords is an ongoing process. Regularly analyze your website traffic, research new keywords, and update your content to stay relevant and competitive. And ... hire an agency (like us!) to help.

By wielding the power of targeted keywords, your small business website can climb the SEO mountain and attract a steady stream of qualified leads. Embrace the keyword magic and watch your online presence flourish!

Do you have any questions or tips for finding the right keywords for your small business website? Let our team help!

Let Us Help!

There's a lot that goes into boosting your SEO through keywords. We know it can feel like a lot, but our team at Feedbackwrench is here to help! Contact us today to set up a time to chat about how we can help increase your SEO.

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