Godaddy Domains - How to Provide Delegate Access to Feedbackwrench

Rather than sharing Godaddy Passwords, Provide us with "Delegate Access" so we can adjust DNS

We will update your DNS settings for the website to launch, your Google Search Console verification, and your email marketing system.

Here's how you quickly give us access to your godaddy

Never share your passwords for godaddy, always add in admins with delegate access.

If someone steals your domain, you're pretty much out of luck.  So always do it this way please.

Now, we need you to provide "delegate access" of your Godaddy Domain to us, so we can help you get the DNS settings changed and go live with your site.

Here's what you'll do:


1 - Log into your Godaddy Account

2 - Hit the Account Settings in upper left.

3 - Hit "Accounting Settings" and select "Delegate Access"

4 - Hit "Invite Access" and add

5 - I would recommend doing access "products, domains & purchases" so we can help with all levels.

Here are the screenshots of where you'll do that.

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